Flavors - Wake Up and Smell The Orange Juice?
Hi friends. Today, I learned all about Flavors - Wake Up and Smell The Orange Juice?. Which is very helpful to me and also you. Wake Up and Smell The Orange Juice?Orange You Glad?
What I said. It is not in conclusion that the actual about Flavors. You see this article for info on anyone want to know is Flavors.Flavors
It's astonishing what you find out when researching a project. Before we get into today's color, I'm going to very recommend that all of you take up blog writing as a hobby.
Of course, not all of what I scrutinize makes it past the final cut here on the 23rd floor of the Hamel Highrise. It's hard to get so much good stuff into a limited 500-1000 word article. However, it All stays with me, making me ever-ready for the most attractive and unique conversations when the opportunities arise.
Here is some of the serendipity I was referring to earlier on - why everyone should start writing a blog as a hobby.
Years ago, there was an advertising campaign with Anita Bryant promoting Florida Orange Juice. The tag line was, "Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine."
This promo ran back somewhere in the 70's. As my step-daughter teases me, "If you can remember that far back, you must be no ifs ands or buts old!"
Well, at least I can still remember, and that's a good thing, right?
But I digress...
Anyway, one thing leads to other and before you know it I'm reading an attractive piece about why we usually drink orange juice for morning meal and not as a nightcap.
Now I don't know about you, but that kind of request makes me stop and ponder, "Yeah, why Do we drink orange juice just for breakfast?"
Do you no ifs ands or buts want to know?
Do you promise to quit teasing me about my age?
Ok, keep reading.
First, let me tell you what I gathered on flowers and jewelry.
What Does Your Orange Gift Mean?
Orange flowers are all about enthusiasm and pride of accomplishment. They are also most thorough for celebrating new beginnings and ventures. One source even advises to send orange flower arrangements to the man who makes you feel warm and happy inside. Notice the happy themes?
For those who want a boost in self-esteem and confidence, wearing orange jewelry might be just the thing you need. Stones such as orange jade, carnelian, fire agate, and orange rhodochrosite are favorite choices for people who want to take full benefit of the power of orange.
As with all things, balance is key. Too much orange can cause one to become self-centered and arrogant while too limited orange may lead one to become mistrustful or even anti-social.
Orange nearby the World
* The color orange signifies kinship to the native American Indian
* Orange is the national color of the Netherlands
* In China and Japan, orange symbolizes happiness and love
The Worst Joke of All Time
For all the happiness the color is supposed to bring, and for all the laughter jokes are intended to deliver, one of the worst jokes of all time just happens to contain the word orange. See if you agree:
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange ya glad I didn't say banana again?!
You'd no ifs ands or buts groan if you heard my limited five-year-old step-daughter try to tell this joke. Tease me about my age one more time and I'll make you watch a video of my limited one destroying this already pathetic knock-knock joke. You have been warned!:)
More Orange Fyi
* Orange is the world's third favorite flavor, after chocolate and vanilla
* The first orange seeds and seedlings were brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus on his second travel in 1493
* The size of the navel determines the sweetness in navel oranges. They obtain their name from the belly-button highlight opposite the stem end.
Back to Our Show...
Congratulations loyal reader. You didn't tease me about my age so, as promised I will respond the question, "Why Do we drink orange juice just for breakfast?"
The short respond is that the citrus smell energizes, invigorates and refreshes the senses. It provides a stimulating wake-up effect.
However, orange juice for morning meal seems to be a western phenomenon because the vast majority of the world's orange furnish is grown here. Of course, the freshness and availability of the oranges makes every day juice drinking a practical reality as opposed to countries like Japan where orange juice is imported in dry form, reconstituted and repackaged making it much more expensive and thus impractical for daily consumption.
Wait - There's More...
Surely, this is already more information than you could ever want or need regarding the color orange. However, I could be as wrong as I am old. So for those who have an insatiable appetite for orange, please visit our site listed in the resource box below.
Other Articles in this Color Series:
Colors - The Unspoken Communicators (introduction)
When you understand and use the colors that work best for you, I know you're gonna Love That Feeling!
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Flavors. Where you possibly can offer utilization in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Flavors.
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